+256 392 591 832 | +256 786 085 109

Our Team

Our Team

We have a devoted passionate hardworking team at shines children’s foundation where most of the staff are citizens of the country. The team is committed to seeing the organization thrive in achieving its core mission and objectives. This consists of;-


Teaching staff

Shines children’s foundation has a hardworking team of teaching staff who manage over 250 learners helping them in skills development and directing towards the right path for their academics and intellectual development.

Support staff

This dedicated team of staff foresees the health standards of the children and all other staff members are properly maintained, through appropriate feeding, ensuring that the overall hygiene and sanitation around the school is maintained as well as the security of the school.

The Board of Directors:

This is composed of (7) committed Persons invited on basis of adequate professional experiences in areas of relevance to core activities in SCF.

They include Board Chairperson, Vice-chairperson, Board general Secretary-Treasurer, Publicity, and 2 other Board members. The Board formulates policy and supervises the implementation of programs. The Executive Director is the secretary to the board, as an ex-officio.

We are Shines Team

Each and every one of our volunteers represent the spirit of our organization: committed and acutely aware of how limitless how Shines Children’s Foundation can extend its boundaries far beyond and help every affected person. 


Each and every one of our volunteers represent the spirit of our organization: committed and acutely aware of how limitless how Shines Children’s Foundation can extend its boundaries far beyond and help every affected person. 

Want to get involved?

We shall match your Interest and talent, time, and your availability into our programs. If you are interested in Volunteering from Home, please consider Volunteering online (we are partners with UN On-Line Volunteering).